Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale

HUGE Garage Sale

  • Publish Date: 06-11-2019 22:00:55 |
  • Contact: Jo Beth Greebon |
  • Location: San Antonio 78250 |
  • Place: 8426 Bluestone Bay |
  • 400 times displayed |
HUGE Garage Sale
June Thursday June 13 thru Friday June 14 from 9 to 4 /Clean-up Saturday
8426 Bluestone Bay on northwest side of San Antonio
Tools, furniture, ammun., hunting, linens, cameras, electronics, drawing/ drafting table, telescoping ladder, household items, Craft Supplies, security devices, hardware, Rolling Clothes Rack, metal detector, Beauty Products, Holiday decorations and Much More!!!
Sodas, water and Beanie Babies will be sold to benefit the no-kill shelter for animals for San Antonio.

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