Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale
Huge Garage Sale
- Publish Date: 04-15-2018 20:09:01 |
- Contact: Larry Wiecken |
- Location: Topeka 66617 |
- Place: 444 NW 62nd Street |
- 394 times displayed |
April 18, 19, and 20
Brand New Clocks, Fabric, Books, Corelle, Pyrex, Corning Ware, VCR's, Record Player and Albums, Electric Fans, T-Fal Pots and Pans Set, Hammers, Hand Tools, Rakes, Shovels, Axes, Crow Bars, Nails, Screws, Handicap Items, VHS Tapes, CD's, DVD's, Electric Coffee Pots, Silverware, Utensils, Towels, Sheets, Canning Jars, Electric Hand Tools, Rocking Chairs, Stools, Crafting Scissors, Oak Drop-Leaf Table and 4 Chairs, Oak Sofa Table, Bicycles, Fishing Poles.
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