Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale

House Sale

  • Publish Date: 07-10-2019 16:28:39 |
  • Contact: Louise Marsh |
  • Location: Ontario K7M 6V6 |
  • Place: Kingston |
  • 380 times displayed |
antiques, 1930's crib & doll carriage, Oak & Rosewood double bed, Raymond treadle sewing machine, other items, sewing box, craft books, dolls, never use pilots leather flight case, bar fridge, deep fryer, crock pot, camping gear-4 man tent, 2 coolers, enamel wear,portable dish washer,sewing patterns for-crows,ducks,bears,frogs,cows
reindeer, chickens,pigs, hose never used, card kits & dies, girls coaster bike,parkas
red one made in Yellowknife trimmed with black bear, ceremonial packing parka from
Baker Lake,1800's dress, cape and bonnet made in 2005, rocking chair, bunk bed,bike lock,quilting fabric. Please make an appointment if you are interested in any of these, plus other items not listed. call 613-384-7992.

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