Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale
garage sale
- Publish Date: 05-14-2019 14:39:16 |
- Contact: Michael |
- Location: Santa Rosa 95405 |
- Place: 1822 Leonard Avenue |
- 330 times displayed |
MAY 18 8:00 to 3:00
There are many attractive resale items offered in lots plus a display case, a round oak table, camelback trunk and even a Hawaiian conch trumpet among other things. There is also a list of items sold by appointment only. This sale is worth a look. Please stop by. This may be a good sale for market vendors. PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE IF YOU CALL.
MAY 18 8:00 to 3:00
There are many attractive resale items offered in lots plus a display case, a round oak table, camelback trunk and even a Hawaiian conch trumpet among other things. There is also a list of items sold by appointment only. This sale is worth a look. Please stop by. This may be a good sale for market vendors. PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE IF YOU CALL.
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