Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale

Garage and Moving sale Saturday July, 13 9-4pm multi family Winding Meadows Monroe

  • Publish Date: 07-08-2019 16:29:58 |
  • Contact: Donna (see all posting) |
  • Location: Michigan 48162 |
  • Place: Winding meadows Condo on Monroe st south of Victory Honda dealer. |
  • 744 times displayed |
Winding meadows Condo multi garage sale and moving sale something for everyone household items, glass wear shot glasses furniture bedroom furniture oak display cabinets, kitchen table with China cabinet, lamps and side tables coffee tables. and more.
CRAFTERS crafter selling out all crafting items glass and metal lanterns of every size and price. Glass containers large and small fairy garden items fairies trolls cross stitch, canvas, acrylic paint, frames all sizes new and used. Wood works craft books jewelry making items beads, wire, chains bracelets and more. Exercise treadmill , abd-do chair exercise ball and abd rocker. 1960 sewing machine , old post cards Vintage shadow box stain glass light. So much not enough room to mention.

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