Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale
Estate Sale/Moving
- Publish Date: 06-17-2019 17:06:20 |
- Contact: MP Jones |
- Location: Colorado Springs 80922 |
- Place: 3674 Pony Tracks Drive |
- 471 times displayed |
Gorgeous furniture,kitchen things, clothes, shoes carved table for back of couch,armoire,high boy,rugs, etc. and just about everything else for sale June 29th Saturday(8-2pm) chandalier,chairs,baking things, nice clothes, dressers, lounge chair with ottoman, Armoire, equestrian pictures,,carved table to put against back of couch,tables,couch, Victrola from Cripple Creek, Ralph Lauren shirts, shoes everything in good shape and in good taste! Must see, not your ordinary sale...downsizing!
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