Items For Sale > Garage and Moving Sale
7 plus family garage sale - $1234570
- Publish Date: 08-06-2021 13:12:44 |
- Contact: Michele Spina |
- Location: Cedar Rapids 52405 |
- Place: 4420 E Ave NW |
- 345 times displayed |
Longaberger dishes, longaberger baskets, Home interiors, masterpiece figurines, circle of friends, girls clothes 0-3 months to juniors, women's and men'sclothing, bedding, kitchen items, books, dog crate/bowls/toys, Miche purses with shells, china, kids toys puzzles, stuffed animals, Christmas, Halloween, Easter items, shoes, ceramic carousel tabletop decor, jewelry, makeup, movies, DVDs, cds, 14,000 btu room air conditioner and more!!
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