Lots of useful stuff, including furniture, dishes, luggage, crafts, fabric, sports equipment, books, picture frames and much more.
33022 SE Peoria Rd, Corvallis OR...
Lots of useful stuff, including furniture, dishes, luggage, crafts, fabric, sports equipment,books, picture frames, and much more. 9am to 3pm. IF IT RAINS, POSTPONED TO MAY 4-5.33022 SE Peoria Rd, Cor...
HUGE yardsale!!!!!! Collectors welcome! Something for everyone!!!Lawn/garden, fishing, collectable children's toys, work benches,furniture,household items,Cigar and school boxes,records, cd's, books....
Fairly new car luggage topper..black..all brackets included..was used on volvo suv but fit on all..$180...
Fairly new car luggage topper..black..all brackets included..was used on volvo suv but fit on all..$180...
Rattan headboard and dresser in excellent condition $125 OBO...
Having yard sale. Many items for sale. Treadmill, reptile tank, children's clothes, car seats, other baby items, kitchen items, long black leather jacket...
Saturday, April 20 - One Day Only - Kitchen items, Lawn mower and edger, Furniture, Household goods, Camping equipment, and more. Moving to Arizona - everything must go. 28558 SW Meadows Loop, Wilsonv...
To much stuff I'm having a yard sale next week. And have to much for a weekend. So I'm having one this sat and Sunday Lots of stuff. .wheel chair. Toys figurines clothes coffee tables wine shelfs t...
Moving out of Cali - selling everything to pay for the drive for me and 2 dogs. Leather sofas, dining set, TVs, electric washer/dryer, shed, tools, so much more. Worth checking out. Saturday 4/13, Sun...