Items For Sale
EVERYTHING MUST GO! Garage sale!!!24133 Cross st.
- Publish Date: 06-06-2018 09:06:49 |
- Contact: Joseluis |
- Location: Santa Clarita 91321 |
- Place: 24133 Cross St. Newhall, CA. 91321 |
- 538 times displayed |

EVERYTHING MUST GO! Garage sale!!! :)
24133 Cross St.
Newhall, CA. 91321
lots of stuff for sale: furniture, clothing, toys, art stuff, mattress, patio chairs, kitchen stuff, sewing machine table, and so much more .... come by and buy!!!
earlybirds welcome open 7am
We have tons of stuff for sale! Everything must go. Stop by and have a look.
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