Items For Sale > Computers and Electronics

Argon MK3 Headphones with Ifi Xcan Amp

  • Publish Date: 08-15-2019 03:49:07 |
  • Contact: Shawn |
  • Location: Savannah 30427 |
  • Place: Glennville |
  • 360 times displayed |
Brand new Argon MK3 modified Fostex T50Rp headphones. Includes ZMF protein pads plus origanals, deer skin strap, rewired and jack replaced for balanced or single ended amp. Two periapt balanced cables, portable 4 ft and standard 5 ft, Vmoda cable, fostex cables, new carry case, and Ifi Xcan portable headphone amp Brand new not even 2 hours of use $600 obo

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