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Christ More than a Prophet More than an Angel

  • Publish Date: 01-12-2024 17:15:45 |
  • Contact: Jesus Villalobos |
  • Location: World |
  • 91 times displayed |
Christ More than a Prophet More than an Angel
A most comprehensive answer to those who question the legitimacy of the deity of Christ from an apologetic point of view. My name is Jesus Villalobos. The title of my e-book is the title of this advertisement.
Ever wonder who the angels are and where they were created? No, they were not created in Heaven as is erroneously taught in Churches today. Scripture tells us they were created on earth first. But you will ask, "Where does Scripture say this?"
Unfortunately, this takes some explaining. It is not so easy to point to one simple Scripture and say, it's in such and such book. One must use several Scriptures to prove this point. However, I assure you Scripture tells us this fact. But are you willing to receive what Scripture actually states about the angels?
Once you understand this all-important fact, you will understand that it is impossible for Christ to have been an angel. Furthermore, once you understand the Virgin birth, you will be able to understand how Christ could only be God in the flesh. No, not the Father, but the only begotten Son of God, making Him of the same species as His Father, and therefore God as well.
No, not a god, but part of the Trinity. A word many reject, yet substantiated in Scripture so well, that to deny that God is a family, hence the word Trinity, becomes impossible to deny. Yes, Scripture calls God a family. But you will need proof if you deny the Trinity or Family called God. Here is your proof in the above mentioned book which can be bought on Kindle Direct now, or on Amazon starting in April of 2024.

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