Items For Sale > Business and Franchise

Rare liquor license up for sale. Keep your bar open until 5am!

  • Publish Date: 05-21-2019 12:20:06 |
  • Contact: Wine Tasters Society of Arkansas, llc |
  • Location: Arkansas |
  • 472 times displayed |
This type of liquor license are no longer being issued but this one has been grandfathered in. Currently held in Fort Smith,AR but it can be transferred to any non-dry county in the State of Arkansas. Excellent opportunity for a new bar owner or for an established business looking to expand their hours of operation and really standout from others in their area. Please discuss the possible transfer with your local ABC director, as a matter of course. Asking $50,000 or best offer. Feel free to contact us via email with any questions but please serious inquires only. Email-

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