Items For Sale > Business and Franchise

Cleaning Maid/Housekeeping Business for Sale - $60000

  • Publish Date: 01-26-2018 20:55:52 |
  • Contact: Elizabeth Toro |
  • Location: Sacramento 95826 |
  • Place: Sacramento |
  • 669 times displayed |

Maid cleaning franchise for sale. I opened 15 weeks ago and have 8 maids, and I am profiting $200 a day. I have been given an opportunity to relocate and so I am wanting to sell for my start up costs. All the hardwork has been done and we are getting at least one new client each day. I have no doubt this business will be a huge success. I will be accepting cash offers only. Any questions at all please ask. I can direct you to our website and give more information if needed.

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