Woman at the Market and Sheppard in the Field.
Arts — 08-09-2018
Brought from Nurnburg, Germany about 35 years ago. Signed prints. 20 X 24 inches....
Arts — 08-09-2018
Brought from Nurnburg, Germany about 35 years ago. Signed prints. 20 X 24 inches....
Arts — 08-09-2018
Brand new, only used a few times. New filament. My PC is too slow to run it. Also asks transformer tab. $200 asking $300 for the printer will take $250 sorry for the darkpic...
Arts — 08-07-2018
muller jean francois (Real name: Muller Jean Francois ) artmuller2003@yahoo.com 862)224-1454 Eppirt 80 strees orange NJ 07018 07101 East orange New Jersey United States ...
$20 — Arts — 08-07-2018
Photographs of Northern Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Canada, Scotland and England.These are/will be non professional but quality photos of the beauty and points of interest in these locations...
Arts — 08-06-2018
This is a beautiful Steiff Original Teddy Bear. It has been professionally appraised and valued at $75. Will sell for $60....
Arts — 08-05-2018
Collection dates between 1943-1954 includes Days of the week(shown in attachment), Months of the Year, Various Nursery Rhymes, Season of the Year and others. I would sell entire collection, in groups...
Arts — 08-03-2018
Mosaic stain glass fairy making friends with the dragon...
Arts — 08-02-2018
Large drawing surface, stool to sit while you draw and easel to finish project. Cost $15.00...
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