Items For Sale > Arts

Paintings Historical Buildings  offer Arts

Paintings Historical Buildings


6 small paintings by Hope LaCombe, 5 Historical houses Carson City, 1 the Savage Mansion Virginia City....

Custom Staircase offer Arts

Custom Staircase


Custom staircase made with 24”log, 6’ wide treads, Mapel bulry for center support Log, and treads, and center support ...

Life sized brass statues offer Arts

Life sized brass statues


Greyhound statues. Lifesize....

Ceramic Navity Set offer Arts

Ceramic Navity Set


20+ pieces ceramic hand painted Nativity set; painted in 1969. 20+ pieces. ...

Porcelain Nativity Set offer Arts

Porcelain Nativity Set


50 year old porcelain hand painted Navity Set; painted in 1969. 20+ Pieces. $200...

Kokomo stained glass sheets offer Arts

Kokomo stained glass sheets


32x32 stained glass sheets 50.00 Each Buy 4 get one FREE Pick up in Kingston, Tennessee OR Will cut and flat ship, buyer pays shipping...

Rolling Stones/Andy Warhol offer Arts

Rolling Stones/Andy Warhol


217/5000limited lithograph print Keith Richards,Charlie Watts,and Mick Jagger autographs framed best offer must sell moving...

very old original blue prints Combustion Engineering Boiler  offer Arts

very old original blue prints Combustion Engineering Boiler


Very old boiler prints great for boiler company doing repairs or as a decorative peace....

Wooden picture frames offer Arts

Wooden picture frames


Wooden picture frames some in rough shape but certainly not all,enough to fill your trunk and some of the back seat from a few inches to big enough to hang over a mantle...

custom 3d models offer Arts

custom 3d models


I am a 3d artist I design anything and print it on 3d printers. Lamps,toys,decorations, anything you can think of I also do litophanes with your photos sculpted into lamp shades, Christmas ornaments,...

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