
The Zenkaku/Hankaku Key: What It Is and How to Use It Correctly on a Japanese Laptop Keyboard - $51491

  • Publish Date: 03-01-2024 19:21:12 |
  • Contact: Elliottbub |
  • Location: UK 131215 |
  • Place: Elliottbub |
  • 530 times displayed |

One possible way to rephrase your question is:
How can I fix the issue of typing full-width characters instead of half-width characters on a Japanese laptop keyboard?
This question is more specific and clear about the problem you are facing and the solution you are seeking. It also uses the correct terminology for the different types of characters. You can find more information about this issue and how to solve it from the web search results I have provided. I hope this helps. 😊

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