Deals > Musical Instruments

bagpipes for sale

  • Publish Date: 07-17-2018 17:26:53 |
  • Contact: John Munroe (see all posting) |
  • Location: Everett 98225 |
  • Place: Bellingham |
  • 939 times displayed |

Excellent pipes. Maker is mystery. Only clue is PH on chanter. Recently bought for $1800. Now $1400. If you want the Hardie practice chanter. add $50. All metal is very nicely engraved. Mounts have been exchanged for imit. ivory which is conditioned never to tun orange. Reason for selling: I am 90 and it is too much work to keep them going nicely. Also selling my band uniform. Black wool tunic. Munro tartan wool kilt. Two bonnets. Scottish shoes. Heavy socks. Also have nice wool day jacket. Quit nice it is. Whole kit is $300. 60 years of playing is enough.

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