For Rent
Three bedroom Two full bath Neenah Duplex 1059 Rockledge Rd Neenah, WI
- Publish Date: 06-14-2018 08:03:40 |
- Contact: PATRICIA J. PRELLWITZ (see all posting) |
- Location: Wisconsin 54956 |
- Place: Neenah |
- 339 times displayed |
6 yr old raised ranch duplex. master bedroom/dbl closets. two full baths, open concept kitchen and living room, finish family room, utility room, large deck down to large back yard, all steel appliances, window treatments, close to schools, shopping and bus line, yard work included. all oak interior trim, all large dbl garage. ref. and credit checks. 1200.00 + deposit 1 yr lease. no smoker/pets 920-558-3152
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