For Rent > Roomate Wanted

Roommate to share apartment - $600

  • Publish Date: 01-28-2018 17:20:20 |
  • Contact: Mary Conrad |
  • Location: Albany 12077 |
  • Place: Winnie Place, glenmont |
  • 363 times displayed |

I live in a quiet 2 bdrm, Glenmont apt., looking for a female to share expenses. All utilities, wi-fi and cable included. I am a 57 year old female who works 5 days a week, I am a quiet person, we have off street parking and are minutes to the NYS Thru-way and 787. If you are interested please respond to my email and tell me a little about yourself, no pets allowed. 1st month rent and security required. Thank you.

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