For Rent > Rental Wanted

Urgently needed

  • Publish Date: 11-05-2018 04:37:31 |
  • Contact: Laura Wells |
  • Location: Eugene 97402 |
  • 588 times displayed |
Urgently needed
Need a place that is safe no drugs no partying quiet for a trailer I have an income that is SSI this is not a long-term thing it's for a few months so that I can save for a deposit on a home and the first month rent need reasonable rent so that I may save I found an apartment that I like but it has about $1, 000 deposit I have been trying to look for a job but I have currently lost my mother to a death in March and have not accepted her death now I'm not a mental mess I'm just picking up the pieces in my life and trying to have one. my income is 720 and anybody out there that has a place preferably in the country that could be reasonable on the rent so that I may get started somewhere in life I have classes that I'm going to be starting which will help me through my mother's death by getting on my feet I am a recovering addict witch is why I said drug free home because I do not want a drug life because I won't go anywhere so if anybody sees this and can help me out it would be awesome I want to get to a successful life I will be attending drug treatment I am not a troublemaker and I'm very quiet and I'm willing to also work around the property if you needed it while paying rent I do have a little kitty named seven he's just a baby I'm not asking to be inside of anybody's house I have my own kitchen and living in my trailer which Someday I'm hoping to make it a camping trailer instead of a living.. I do like the Lorraine area near Bailey Hill Veneta Junction City Oakridge Cottage Grove right now and willing to except any help to get on my feet california hashbeen concidered but i am a orogonian born and raised I am trying to stay out of Springfield do not mind the outskirts but I do not like Springfield because of the tragedy with my child no I do not have any children with me so if you're from Springfield I thank you for offering but have not dealt with the tragedy there in Springfield that i have not been able to accept in my life like I said I am not a mental case or so depressed that I would be a bother I just know certain triggers of not so good places for me in my life.

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