For Rent > Rental Wanted

Looking for a nice Rental property in Conway, SC or Myrtle Beach, SC.

  • Publish Date: 02-16-2018 12:40:38 |
  • Contact: Anteshia Gause (see all posting) |
  • Location: South Carolina 29569 |
  • Place: house, mobile home |
  • 621 times displayed |

My family is seeking a 3 bedroom two bath or 2.5 bath home with spacacious kithchen, livingroom, bathroom and a place for washer and dryer. Private yard not in a subdivision for rent ranging from $700-$1000 per month. Landlord has to be willing to accept Section-8 Voucher. I have been in apartment for over 10 years and want a place with a yard for my sons to play. I have great references and landlord history. We take care of places we lived in. You may contact our current landlord upon request.

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