For Rent > House For Rent
Great Open Floor Plan in Quiet Neighborhood - $825
- Publish Date: 12-22-2018 16:38:48 |
- Contact: Ted |
- Location: Shreveport 71104 |
- 621 times displayed |

2 BD 1 bath detached garage fenced backyard. Upgraded AC/heat. Refrigerator, Washer/Dryer, yard equipment provided. Great for young couple! Utilities, yard maintenance, are responsibility of renter.
$825.00 per month. 1st, last and security deposit required, 1 year lease, credit check required $35. Small animal ok with non-refundable pet fee. Shown by appointment only.
$825.00 per month. 1st, last and security deposit required, 1 year lease, credit check required $35. Small animal ok with non-refundable pet fee. Shown by appointment only.
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