For Rent > House For Rent

Great and wonderful single family 3bd 2bth - $785

  • Publish Date: 11-27-2018 11:31:11 |
  • Contact: Melanie G Winakur |
  • Location: Salem 97301 |
  • Place: 784 Sphinx Ct NE,Salem, OR |
  • 880 times displayed |
Great and wonderful single family 3bd 2bthGreat and wonderful single family 3bd 2bth

Pets okay Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Garage: ATTACHED. 2 CAR GARAGE Washer/Dryer: HOOK UPS IN GARAGE Utilities/Lawn Smoking okay Square Feet: 1,000 APPROXIMATELY. YARD IS FULLY FENCED, BRAND NEW PAINT, Landlord takes care of cleaning gutters on a seasonal or as needed basis. Planting of flowers or other seasonal shrubbery. This is a smoking free property and pets allowed. Mechanical work on vehicles is permitted on the property,satellite or dish equipment allowed on the property, no window A/C's allowed.

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