For Rent > Condo For Rent

West Bloomfield Condo for Rent ( Available now)!

  • Publish Date: 01-14-2018 18:36:07 |
  • Contact: Brandon B |
  • Location: Detroit 48322 |
  • Place: Oakland county |
  • 504 times displayed |
I see that you are looking for a room and I have one available in West Bloomfield, Michigan. This is a condo, It is 2 bed and 2 bath, 1500sqft, 2 floors( main and basement) all updated appliances, in a convenient location. Other amenities, pool and club house. Great neighbors. There is a community center across the street with a gym,hockey rink, basketball court, and an indoor pool.
I am flexible with discussing the rent, I am currently asking $800 ( Utilities not included)
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
I can best be reached at the number below 1907-202-1202

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