For Rent > Condo For Rent
Condo for Rent - $1000
- Publish Date: 05-03-2018 09:35:02 |
- Contact: Wanda (see all posting) |
- Location: Centennial 80122 |
- Place: 50 Highline Circle, Arapahoe Rd.and Broadway |
- 584 times displayed |
1BR 1BA in Highline Meadows 720 Square feet. New kitchen cabinets, sink, stove, counters, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher disposal, bathroom vanity. One car garage in lot. Close to public transportation, shopping, canal and trail. NO smoking, pets are negotiable. $1000 month + deposit. Avail June 1.Call 308-227-2561 to see.
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