For Rent

40 Ft. Boat Slip For Rent, Cheboygan , Michigan - $2250

  • Publish Date: 03-28-2018 15:44:22 |
  • Contact: William Essmaker |
  • Location: Michigan 49738 |
  • Place: Duncan Bay Boat Club, Cheboygan, Michigan |
  • 396 times displayed |
40 Ft. Boat Slip For Rent, Cheboygan , Michigan40 Ft. Boat Slip For Rent, Cheboygan , Michigan

Beautiful Duncan Bay Boat Club in Cheboygan Michigan. 40 Ft. slip with finger pier available for 2018 season. Dock box, WiFi, internet, water and power.

Direct access to Lake Huron. Club house with showers and bathrooms. Swimming pool and beach. Just $2250 for the 2018 boating season.

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