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History Speaks - Rachel Carson: The Woman Who Launched the Environmental Movement

  • Publish Date: 01-31-2018 14:08:14 |
  • Contact: towncrier |
  • Location: Naperville 60540 |
  • Place: Naper Settlement |
  • 711 times displayed |

Sunday, April 22, 4-5 PM,
Century Memorial Chapel

Non-Members: $10/adult, $9/youth (4-12)
and students
Members: $8/adult, $7/ youth (4-12)

Biologist and author Rachel
Carlson warned the world of the potentially dire environmental impact of
chemical and pesticides in bestselling 1962 book, Silent Spring. In this living history program set in 1963, actress
and historian Leslie Goddard portrays Carson as she discusses her childhood
love for the living world, her passion for writing, and her work to awaken the
world to the beauty and fragility of nature.

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