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Family of three need help now . Anything helps .

  • Publish Date: 12-06-2018 15:47:28 |
  • Contact: Norman |
  • Location: Clearwater |
  • 755 times displayed |

We are a family need to the area we've been here two and a half weeks . We would like to stay here . It's me , my fiance , our two year old and a one year old puppy .

We came here and my fiance Norman worked for a week and a half and now that we have no where to go it made it almost impossible to keep that job . We have a camper but, no where to put it . It's a pop up camper and small .

They decided since he couldn't make it work that they weren't gonna pay him any money until December 30th ... It's been a nightmare here but by far the sunniest happiest place and we'd like to give Florida a chance but we have no family and no friends . Its just the three of us and the dog .

We are running out of time, gas and have only a few dollars to our name that he is putting in gas now .

We are forced to tow the pop up camper with us everywhere we go so it eats 10 more miles per gallon because of that .

We called 211 asked for reasources. They gave us a list of shelters names . We spent all morning calling shelters and churches . The shelters in every county around us are completely full and will be this whole winter . The churches don't hold money due to scam artists and meth users . Neither of us do drugs . The churches give all there money to the shelters or rcs program . Which neither one can help us . We are both Christian and do believe in God and our trusting him. Right now anything is better than nothing .

If anyone knows of anything that can help us short term till we get on our feet whether thats gas money , or food or a place to put our camper daily while we work then that would be amazing .

We really just need about 100$ for gas maybe 150$ tops so we could work everyday and not need help next week or the week after .

Like I said anything is better than nothing . We are open to suggestions that aren't already listed like shelters and churches . Because we called every single one today as well as the rcs program ...

This would be a one time thing to get us by short term . We could work daily get on our feet and even pay the money back to you in a few weeks . I know there is some good Christian's and god beleivers in Florida ive already met a few angels myself here .

Please if you could help my family in need we are in the Clearwater area and you can contact my fiance Norman with the details . We would greatly appreciate anything at this point . God bless all of you .

His phone number is 413 291 1785

Our phones get shut off on the 10th so I'm hoping we could figure this out sooner rather than later because like I said we are running out of time so I guess we need 250$ total ... but like I said anything helps .

I don't have food stamps till tomorrow And I'm hoping somebody will see this and get back to us . Like I said we're running out of time, now out of money and no food until tomorrow .

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