Community > Events

Gospel Group offer Events

Gospel Group


Shadz Of Glory Gospel singersIs seeking female gospel singers who can lead and sing all partsShe must be committed and Serious she must be aChurch goer.some travel is involved we are a quartet gospel ...

People's Choice Student Show  offer Events

People's Choice Student Show


Any student under 18yrs can enter this show. Young"s Art Center is looking for students to enter one piece of artwork in any medium to join this year's show. There is a money prize. Ask for more detai...

It Figures Gallery Show offer Events

It Figures Gallery Show


Young's Art Center is hosting its first art show since the pandemic. This show features three talented artists who have different styles and ways to express themselves. Jennifer Gleason is a photogr...

Free Woodworking Show by the Rapid City Woodworkers Assoc  offer Events

Free Woodworking Show by the Rapid City Woodworkers Assoc


The Rapid City Woodworkers will be showing their projects and providing games, door prizes and a raffle on Saturday, October 3 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Knecht Home Center, 320 West Blvd, Rapid Cit...

Multi Family Yard Sale offer Events

Multi Family Yard Sale


You name it--tools, ceiling fans, lights, bedding, kitchen, clothes etc Fri & Sat Sept 18 & 19 8am-1pm...

Garage sale  offer Events

Garage sale


Multi family sale. Furniture, kitchen appliances, bedding, knickknacks, dishes,way to much to list September 18 and 19...

Free offer Events



I have a 2yr old pup for free. His name is Rocky. He is mixed with Rat Terrier/Poodle. He needs a good home. Although it breaks my heart I am unable to continue providing for him. He is not use to...

Raiderett N Distress Midtown Sac.Alhambra Blvd corridor offer Events

Raiderett N Distress Midtown Sac.Alhambra Blvd corridor


Urge any and all people who stumble upon this ad to take the two or three minutes to read it in its entirety into a really ponder it and to respond to it accordingly the following is not a game is not...

Super labs  offer Events

Super labs


Exceptional labs need home . Text for 214 676 0244. Super event this weekend ....

Dad Belt Buckle offer Events

Dad Belt Buckle


Left at Louis Armstrong International Airport on or around August 20th 2019 what is left in luggage outside very sentimental belong to my father who has now passed away...

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