Service - Stockton

Auto/Motorcycle/Misc. Storage offer Auto Services

Auto/Motorcycle/Misc. Storage

Auto Services

Don Collins Auto/Motorcycle/Misc StorageSan Rafael, Marin County Secured Indoor StorageAutos $225/mo. Motorcycles: $125/mo.Office: (415) 453-9180; cell: (415) 846-4281...

Owner offer Service



All Repair for Eyeglasses: At Steve Mobile Eyeglass Repair, we keep a wide collection of tools and parts in case of any type damage. If any part of your eyeglasses have been broken or lost, we will h...

Christian Handyman Service offer Home Services

Christian Handyman Service

Home Services

As the Holidays come to an end and a new year approaches, many of us have projects that must be done, or we have resolved to do. Many are also needing these jobs done with depleted funds from said Hol...

Room for rent in a European Skin Cre salon in Los Altos offer Professional Services

Room for rent in a European Skin Cre salon in Los Altos

$800Professional Services

Freshly painted room with hardwood floor in an elegant and established skin care salon conveniently located in the heart of Silicon Valley.Big plus is our parking lot!...

Bakery/pastry  offer Service Wanted


Service Wanted

Looking to start a bakery/pastry business and we need a person with some experience in the field. Partnership with financial contribution is possible but not necessary. We rely on authenticity and qua...

Seamstress-Alterations offer Home Services


$10Home Services

Professional Seamstress looking for work, have been sewing for many years. Discounted prices, ...

Christian Handyman offer Home Services

Christian Handyman

Home Services

I offer a wide range of services, from painting to landscaping. Roof work to home repair and cleaning. Honest, very affordable and reliable....

Need to ride a place to buck up are 1972 Winnebago  offer Moving Services

Need to ride a place to buck up are 1972 Winnebago

Moving Services

Need a place to plug in are rv asap it's a 1972 Winnebago will pay rent on 2nd of every month we have two dogs mom is 5 years old and son is 6months very well behaved hoping to find somewhere in Orla...

Affordable Event Photographer. offer Professional Services

Affordable Event Photographer.

Professional Services

It’s time to book an photographer for you Event. Call or text me for details. 951-500-4681 Marked Moments Photography...

Mark's custom painting offer Professional Services

Mark's custom painting

Professional Services

Mark's custom painting services free estimates no job to big no job to small all calls returned...

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