Laser 4 in 1 Printer
$50 — Computers and Electronics — 09-06-2018
Brothers MFC 9700. Works perfectly. I needed color and this machine is B&W. Unopened toner included.$50 OBO...
$50 — Computers and Electronics — 09-06-2018
Brothers MFC 9700. Works perfectly. I needed color and this machine is B&W. Unopened toner included.$50 OBO...
Free Stuff — 09-06-2018
free ponderosa pine 40 to 52 inch rounds on the ground with drive up access,behind locked gate.tractor assistance on site for loading....
Garage and Moving Sale — 09-05-2018
We are holding a garage sale on the 8th and the 9th of September, which is this Saturday and Sunday. Items sold are various and of good quality....
$150 — Garage and Moving Sale — 09-05-2018
I have a Subwoofer and Amp from my previous relation and car that I don't need anymore. Will like to get rid of them. Its been in my garage for 2yrs still in good condition. Please Text me if your int...
Musical Instrument — 09-05-2018
Congas for Sale, two Quinto (lead drum) &Tre Dos (Middle drum) Excellent condition. Professionally, custom made of excellent wood by Val J in Los Angeles Califorina., Plus tow hardline canvas carrying...
$200 — Home and Furnitures — 09-04-2018
Quartz grey 2 counter tops one 36x26 and 22x26 plus 2 baseboard pieces is grey quart 6x108 each $200 for all...
$300 — Home and Furnitures — 09-04-2018
Previously used California King Mattress - 72 x 84 (183cm x 213.5cm)Hartfield Luxury /Firm...
$300 — Home and Furnitures — 09-04-2018
Beautyrest "Recharge" Signature Select California King Mattress: 72 x 84 (183cm x 213.5cm) - No great shape: less than a year old. Retail cost (plus taxes): over $800.00.Located in San Leandro (10 min...
Home and Furnitures — 09-04-2018
Retaining wall bricks for half of the price, warm sunset send color . Excellent condition, 120 bricks size 6*15,5*12 for $200.00 Pick up in Culver City...
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