Items For Sale - California

Single Rider Golf Cart offer Sporting Goods

Single Rider Golf Cart

Sporting Goods

This single rider golf cart is perfect for a golfer with disabilities.The tires are turf friendly and can drive on the green. Your golf clubs mount on the front of he cart and they are easily accessi...

casio keyboard WK-500 in perfect condition offer Musical Instrument

casio keyboard WK-500 in perfect condition

Musical Instrument

CAsio keyboard WK-500 with foot pedal, stand, power adapter. in perfect condition. Sale for @250 OBO . Call Kevin . 702-338-1058...

Hope Chest offer Home and Furnitures

Hope Chest

Home and Furnitures


G. E. side by side refrigerator offer Appliances

G. E. side by side refrigerator



Entertainment Center offer Home and Furnitures

Entertainment Center

Home and Furnitures

Custom built, solid wood Entertainment Center...

Electric Dryer offer Appliances

Electric Dryer


Admiral Electric Dryer. Purchased 3 years ago, in storage in my garage for the past 2 years. Excellent condition....

Hockey gear complete  offer Sporting Goods

Hockey gear complete

$200Sporting Goods

Full complete hockey gear ...

Dentist Chair offer Business and Franchise

Dentist Chair

Business and Franchise


Electric Hospital Bed offer Home and Furnitures

Electric Hospital Bed

Home and Furnitures

The bed is like new. electric controls. side rails --no mattress$50.00...

wood diningroom set. table & 4 chairs offer Home and Furnitures

wood diningroom set. table & 4 chairs

$200Home and Furnitures


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