Items For Sale - California

Queen size bed and box spring offer Home and Furnitures

Queen size bed and box spring

$200Home and Furnitures

Queen size: Box spring - still in sealed plastic Mattress - in zippered plastic protector. In storage this week....

Wwe hell in a cell offer Tickets

Wwe hell in a cell


Sunday October 6th 3:30 pm...

Roland electronic drums offer Computers and Electronics

Roland electronic drums

Computers and Electronics

Great shape TD4 Roland electronic drums for sale 350.00 or best offer...

Rolling pool cover holder... offer Lawn and Garden

Rolling pool cover holder...

Lawn and Garden

Rolling pool cover holder, completely stainless steel construction...Reel/roller is 21' in length, unit is 21' 8" total length... Perfect working condition, original cost was over $2000.00, make offer...

Telescopes offer Sporting Goods


$250Sporting Goods

11 Inch Celestron Telescope, W/Starbright coatings Ans Nextstar Tripod. Plus Accessories. $2000.00.6 Inch Orion Reflector W/ Equatorial Mnt. Plus 2 eye pieces. $250.00 OBOs OK....

baby turkeys offer Items For Sale

baby turkeys

Items For Sale

Royal Palm baby turkeys 2 months old I have 3 of them for sale at $10. each...

yard sale at 509 w kanai ave porterville ca 93257 offer Garage and Moving Sale

yard sale at 509 w kanai ave porterville ca 93257

Garage and Moving Sale

big yardsale 509 w kanai ave porterville near cross st morton and villa and henderson from 8:am to 2:pm sept 7 sat...

 Multi-family Garage sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Multi-family Garage sale

Garage and Moving Sale

Clothes, shoes, electronics, household goods, pots and pans, linens, tools and more!...

Do you need financial assistance to pay off your bills? offer Business and Franchise

Do you need financial assistance to pay off your bills?

Business and Franchise

Do you need financial assistance to pay off your bills? Are you looking for a loan to start up your own business? Here is your chance to obtain a financial services from our company. We offer the ...

Dog Crate, antiuqe chair offer Items For Sale

Dog Crate, antiuqe chair

$50Items For Sale

Crate size for a small to med size dog. Like new. Size: 36"Lx25"Tx22"w. Crate $50.00. Antique chair $50.00 ...

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