Items For Sale - California

Rims and tires offer Items For Sale

Rims and tires

Items For Sale

Volvo rims and tires...

Sara Watkins at the Thousand Oaks Cicic Arts Center offer Tickets

Sara Watkins at the Thousand Oaks Cicic Arts Center


I have 2 front row tickets to Sara Watkins on Sat Aug 24th at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Center and I cannot go.. I will sell them for $50 each for a total of $100...

Garage Sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Garage Sale

Garage and Moving Sale

Yard Sale this Saturday; August 17th starting at 6am. Lots of household items. Clothes, linens, pictures, mirrors, toys and games, tools, coffee tables, chairs, books, kids table with chairs, mirrors,...

1890s Victorian Seatee offer Home and Furnitures

1890s Victorian Seatee

$1200Home and Furnitures

1890s Victorian Rosewood seatee...

Carpet  offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

Made in India Handmade Bought this 5x 8, for $150.00 Asking for $ 50.00 Like new Send me a message if you are interested....

Cemetery Plot  offer Items For Sale

Cemetery Plot

Items For Sale

Forest Lawn, Cypress Interment Space 2, Lot 899 Sunrise section ...

New two piece sectional sofa offer Home and Furnitures

New two piece sectional sofa

Home and Furnitures

Color :Tan color sectional brand new from Jerome's. Comes with 4 contrasting pillows. 5 year warranty included against all stains and pet scratches. Invoice available. Purchase price was $1,800. Se...

engine hoist offer Items For Sale

engine hoist

$100Items For Sale

one ton engine hoist very good condition...

CUISINART gas grill/ with stand & propane bottle & cover offer Lawn and Garden

CUISINART gas grill/ with stand & propane bottle & cover

Lawn and Garden

Won it! put it together, never fired it up. retail= ~ $300.00. make offer...

Surf books and magazines  offer Books

Surf books and magazines


All surfers journal mags surf bio books old surfer mags ...

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