Crysler 300m
$900 — Car — 03-24-2018
Car is good and dependable has some interior flaws...
Service Wanted — 03-24-2018
Kids braids and styles (age 12 and under) $25 Box braids (12 and under) $50 Crochet $50 Adult braids and styles $35 Updo braids or more than one layer $45 and up Box braids $75(med,lg,jumbo) $8...
Service — 03-24-2018
Mow edge and sweep front and backyard $35. Call or text Mike. 361-444-4195....
Auto Services — 03-24-2018
I am a mobile mechanic i give you the best price possible guarenteed to beat any other competitors....
General Labor — 03-23-2018
$10-12 an hour!I need 4-6 guys to help with some dirt work and sod laying around my house and tearing down and rebuilding my fence. There will be lifting, tool usage, digging and heavy work. Please ...
$2300 — Off Road Vehicle — 03-23-2018
1946 Willy's Jeep and trailer- Package $2,300.00 OBO...
Home Services — 03-23-2018
Are you needing a room or whole house painted? Then look no further 10+ years JUST PAINTING! Free estimates, Senior and Military discount call today!...
Car — 03-23-2018
A/C WORKS!!!!! Runs Great!!!!! call or text for more details 361-633-0122...
$2500 — Car — 03-23-2018
A/C WORKS!!!!! Runs Great!!!!! call or text for more details 361-633-0122...
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