Classifieds - Texas

Good used tires offer Auto Parts

Good used tires

Auto Parts

Come & get your 7',18',19",or20" good used $10 apiece tires....

I'm looking for a carpenter  offer Construction Jobs

I'm looking for a carpenter

Construction Jobs

I'm looking to having my patio top finish up it's one day of work....

air conditioning condensers offer Appliances

air conditioning condensers


for sale 2 trane r-22 ac condensers fully chargedindoor coil went bad both good unitsolder $250.00newer $350.00firm....

Engine | Transmission | AC | Brake | Repair and Replacements Near ME offer Auto Services

Engine | Transmission | AC | Brake | Repair and Replacements Near ME

Auto Services

Skilled Car Repair Specialists in Jersey Village, TX - 9103 Emmott Rd. 77040 | Call 832-877-1818 today and $ave. To make sure that your car can dependably take you where you want to go, you mu...

Engine | Transmission | AC | Repair and Replacements Near ME offer Auto Services

Engine | Transmission | AC | Repair and Replacements Near ME

Auto Services

Posted about a month ago Clutch Head Gasket Heater Brakes AC Mobile Mechanic (spring branch) © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap emmott at dallas (google map) AutoPRO-Ho...

Engine | Transmission Repair and Replacements Near ME offer Auto Services

Engine | Transmission Repair and Replacements Near ME

Auto Services

AutoPRO-Houston 9103 Emmott Rd - 77040 | 832-877-1818 Engine Repair in Houston,...

OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT offer Commercial Lease


$495Commercial Lease

This office space is ideal for the Health and Wellness Industry , Massage Therapist, Chiropractor, Health Coaches, Nutritionist, Accupunturist, Holistic medicine. It includes the water and electricity...

Expanding  Dining room table Hutch offer Home and Furnitures

Expanding Dining room table Hutch

$150Home and Furnitures

Hutch with doors that open to a pull-out table that expands to up tp 89 Inches with 5 folding leaves. This converts into a table with 4 chairs, Very goof condition. Heavy....

Big Garage sale! Multi-Family Garage Sale! offer Garage and Moving Sale

Big Garage sale! Multi-Family Garage Sale!

Garage and Moving Sale

A multi-family garage sale! There will be a lot of clothes for all ages (most of it is not used) , furniture, toys, new shoes, books, jewely and such much more. It will be a big garage sale! please co...

16 Acres Springtown Custom 4 Bedroom House offer House For Sale

16 Acres Springtown Custom 4 Bedroom House

House For Sale

Custom built Ranch style 4 BD/3 BA home, with in-ground pool, on 16 acres. Home sits back off the road for privacy and is approximately 3,048 sq.ft. Barn, arena and pens are ready for your livestock....

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