Items For Sale - USA

Antique Pine Hutch, large, corner hutch offer Home and Furnitures

Antique Pine Hutch, large, corner hutch

$1500Home and Furnitures

Beautiful old, functioning, corner hutch. Very valuable, priced to sell. Located in Portland, west side....

Haier mini fridge with freezer offer Appliances

Haier mini fridge with freezer


Bought it at Walmart paid over 150.00 used it maybe a month it is still like brand new will take 75.00...

Free to GOOD HOME ONLY offer Free Stuff


Free Stuff

6 chickens.3 were rescue birds.I have to relocate to another state.Serious injury only....


9'4" vertical lift.


This unit raises vertically two people. One can be in a wheel chair....

Need everything offer Free Stuff

Need everything

Free Stuff

My family is moving and we are in need of everything!!! Anything would help and would be took care of and greatly appreciated !! God Bless!!...

iPod Mini offer Computers and Electronics

iPod Mini

$30Computers and Electronics

Perfect size device for people who don't feel like they have to drag around a whole stereo tp get to listen to your music! It comes with it's perfect size base that changes it, but doesn't take up spa...

Intex salt water pool system with pumps  offer Home and Furnitures

Intex salt water pool system with pumps

$75Home and Furnitures

Intex salt water making pool system with pump for blow up pool...

Electronic drum set offer Musical Instrument

Electronic drum set

$150Musical Instrument

Electronic drum set complete with stool and drum sticks...

Large dog kennel  offer Items For Sale

Large dog kennel

$50Items For Sale

Large gently used dog kennel was used for large boxer....

Dining room table and chairs offer Home and Furnitures

Dining room table and chairs

$300Home and Furnitures

Excellent condition Oak wood pedestal table 70” Long 47” wide 4 chairs ...

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