whatnot stand, entertainment center, recyliner chair, upright pasley chair, 2 black leather chairs with automins, pillows, bedroom set, so much. come see, come save at 1302 31st str. east, palmettto,...
I have a number of crystal and antique pieces for sale.
Various prices
Have a look. ...
$10 — Home and Furnitures —
I have a number of quality items for sale. Various prices ...
$100 — Sporting Goods —
I have for sale 3 rods and 2 reels made by PENN.
rarely used. I just don’t go fishing anymore.
100.00 takes the lot. ...
Solid wood Fireplace mantel with cutout for heat insert. also comes with 2 decorative tiles, Great shape. Cash only $125.00 no shipping or delivery available...
$400 — Items For Sale —
Ford 306 .... 6 cylinderLike new. Still runs $400.00 plz NO texts...
$625 — Tools —
Due to poor health and doctors orders, I am selling the majority of tools that I've used and collected over the years. Most are in toolboxes or in bins. It's difficult to include a picture. Must se...
16 foot Cargo Mate: 75 inches drive up ramp, side door. Led lights in side and out, new tires, no damage, electric brakes. Original owner.
Two, 3 year old Holland Lop Rabbits. Both rabbits are litter trained and neutered. Playful with children. Calm when getting nails clipped and combed. They are Brother Rabbits have been together since...
Items Wanted —
Obtained a puppy born 12/31/15 in Lamesa & would like another if possible. ...