Items For Sale - California

SONY TV 44x28 INCH offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

SONY TV 44x28 INCH model kdl-46v5100, excellent condition, moving, call Canada #416-543-5246 or email

SOLID OAK PIANO offer Musical Instrument


$3000Musical Instrument

Oak Yamaha piano on wheels with bench , model p22T, serial number T123742, Immaculate condition, movingcall Canada # 416-543-5246 or email at

Whitening fluoride tooth paste (no peroxide) offer Health and Beauty

Whitening fluoride tooth paste (no peroxide)

Health and Beauty

whitening fluoride toothpaste guaranteed to work or your money back, with visible results on over a week time...

Ottoman (2) offer Home and Furnitures

Ottoman (2)

Home and Furnitures

I have 2 blue Ottoman for Sale 20.00 each. 970-744-1054...

Marcy Apex Home Gym offer Health and Beauty

Marcy Apex Home Gym

Health and Beauty

Marcy Apex Home Gym, complete with accessories...

Antique sulky weather vane  offer Lawn and Garden

Antique sulky weather vane

$500Lawn and Garden


Antique sulky weather vane  offer Lawn and Garden

Antique sulky weather vane

$500Lawn and Garden


EZ store literature Organizer, 72 letter size compartments offer Home and Furnitures

EZ store literature Organizer, 72 letter size compartments

$95Home and Furnitures

EZ store literature Organizer, 72 letter size compartments, model # 9241TSR Safco, list price $973. Excellent condition, heavy steel...

  Table with 4 chairs offer Home and Furnitures

Table with 4 chairs

$300Home and Furnitures

Beautiful 54" pedestal solid wood round table with 4 chairs in mint condition...

$520 TopoLite Grow Tent Room Complete Kit Hydroponic Growing System LED 1200W Grow Light offer Lawn and Garden

$520 TopoLite Grow Tent Room Complete Kit Hydroponic Growing System LED 1200W Grow Light

Lawn and Garden

STILL IN BOXES. PICK UP IN VENICE ONLY!!!!! Featuring a user friendly "Full Spectrum" design, you can easily grow your plants in any growth cycle required like germination, seedling, veg, flowerBest ...

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