Moving after a long time in house close,tools, antiques, cast iron cook ware, lots of old Playboy Magazines( several years in a row), dishes and lots more,,,
Saturday, March 3 rd (only) 8:00 am to ...
$500 — Items Wanted —
52 piece china set never used. Cresent China (Japan) is more expensive than Cresent China made in china. Includes: plates, saucers, salad plates, creamers, sugar bowls, cups, the works. Appraised at $...
$100 — Appliances —
Industrial Sewing machine - Good working condition - Make an Offer OBO...
I have some brand new Jordan never been worn...
3 Family Garage Sale at 1700 South Sol Street Visalia California 93292. Friday and Saturday March 2 and 3 from 7am to 1pm. Refrigerator, Household items, Bikes, Full bed,Yard Tools, Antique clocks, an...
$800 — Musical Instrument —
Five piece drum kit with hardware and cymbals double kick petal ...
XboxOne 500GB black Games included are negotiable...
Moving after 35 years. Lots of stuff. Almost a full set of old Playboys, lots and lots of Cast Iron Pans....clothes, dishes, tools and more!!!!!!...
$100 — Appliances —
Priced @ $300 To $50 Online (2018 Prices ) Brand New Boxed Complete Set Of Three Fittings ( Dough,Heavy Slotted Spade, & Multi-Wire Wisk) A Large Stainless Steel Bowl , A Heavy Black Padded Mo...
70 in widescreen TV new with the mount 4-wall...