Items For Sale - California

Trading cards  offer Games

Trading cards


Trading cards over three hundred in excellent condition football, baseball, basketball all in sleeves must see too appreciate $350 obo...

SS PROP  offer Sporting Goods


$200Sporting Goods

SS prop 15 X17 15 spline evinrude...

Specialized road bike offer Sporting Goods

Specialized road bike

$400Sporting Goods

Specialized allez sport 21 inch frame well maintained ...

Tube Mastery and Monetization offer Items Wanted

Tube Mastery and Monetization

Items Wanted

Introducing Tube Mastery and Monetization Tube Mastery and Monetization teaches how to start, grow, and monetize a hyper-profitable YouTube channel from complete scratch. It doesn't matter if yo...

26 offer Sporting Goods


Sporting Goods

You could consider it brand new, nothing wrong with, rides nice....

Generator offer Tools



Only has 160 hours on. It ,Honda 7500 generator...

Fridge  offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

18 cf whilrpool fridge...

Moving sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Moving sale

Garage and Moving Sale

Moving away sale everything must go. House hold decor and much more....

Free offer Free Stuff


Free Stuff

Free healthy beautiful kittens. To good home only. One all white. One all white with orange on top of head and one black and gray tiger stripped. 3 kittens available....

Neighborhood Garage Sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Neighborhood Garage Sale

$1Garage and Moving Sale

Saturday, June 4th 7-1pm Sunday, June 5th 7-11am Assorted vintage items including Pyrex, glassware, Tupperware etc. Getting ready for a community garage sale…...

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