Items For Sale — 04-25-2019
Mac computer with speakers...
Garage and Moving Sale — 04-23-2019
Good stuff furniture, tools & household items. All must go can't take. 8am - sundown Closed on Saturday 4-27-2019. Call Evelyn 530-941-4500....
Home and Furnitures — 04-21-2019
Temper-flat foundation 9” x 36” x 82” Two available. Excellent condition. Price new $200 each. Asking $50...
Home and Furnitures — 04-21-2019
On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. I will be having a by appointment only moving sale inside my home. Anything you see make an offer on it and we can go from t...
Lawn and Garden — 04-21-2019
Potted succulents and butterfly loving bushes, iris bulbs, pots and garden hand tools from $1.00 to $30...
Home and Furnitures — 04-20-2019
I have two brown suede couches that are in very good shape and segments recline. I am selling them both for $300....
Sporting Goods — 04-18-2019
Two Sun Mountain Speed Carts and golf bags for sale. $75.00 each including golf bags. Used but in good condition. One is grey and the other is blue. Cash only!...
Sporting Goods — 04-18-2019
New Ancheer Treadmill for sale. $295.00! Cash only!!...
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