Deals - California

Real estate offer Deals

Real estate


$$$$$ WE PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS $$$$$ offer Health and Beauty


Health and Beauty

Do you have any unused TEST STRIPS, transmitters, sensors, or any other diabetic supplies lying around? We will buy them from you for CASH and we will come to you! Our goal is to provide you with g...

Free kittens  offer Deals

Free kittens


We love to adopt 2 free kittens...

November 2021 Yard Butler Giveaway offer Lawn and Garden

November 2021 Yard Butler Giveaway

Lawn and Garden

Enter for a chance to win a Yard Tree Vertical Hanging Garden of your choice! Let your imagination go wild…for plants! Take your hanging garden to the next level with our Yard Tree Hanging Garden syst...

Brand New Ghost Mattress Twin XL offer Home and Furnitures

Brand New Ghost Mattress Twin XL

Home and Furnitures

Selling a brand new ghost mattress Twin XL...

Rehome a wonderful pit bull  offer Deals

Rehome a wonderful pit bull


Home wanted for a wonderful two year old fixed male pit bull. He is as loving as can be. He would love to be with people who want a dog who can be outside a lot yet who loves to share lots of attentio...

Barbie Dolls offer Kid Stuffs

Barbie Dolls

$225Kid Stuffs

Barbie Doll collection for sale 20 dolls in original box...

Mont blanc platinum ball point pen  offer Deals

Mont blanc platinum ball point pen


Platinum mont blanc pen ...

AMERICAN DREAM NUTRITION offer Health and Beauty


Health and Beauty

AMERICAN DREAM NUTRITION HOME BUSINESS JOIN BY PHONE OR ONLINE GIVE RAY PRICE ID NUMBER 22354 You may join on line or by phone Call 785-534-1470. 9-5 C T. give Ray Price ID: 22354....

3 Sectional Sofa (Portofino Red) offer Home and Furnitures

3 Sectional Sofa (Portofino Red)

Home and Furnitures

Sectional sofa, red, perfect condition with unused bed. Original Price: $1200/.00. Sell Price: $300.00. We need space....

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