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Full Time — 04-25-2018
Are you looking for a full time work?Do you have houkeeping experience?WELL LOOK NO FURTHER!!!We are looking to start 20+ housekepers this week!!!We have opening in North Austin, Central Austin, W...
Full Time — 04-25-2018
Are you looking for a full time work?Do you have houkeeping experience?WELL LOOK NO FURTHER!!!We are looking to start 20+ housekepers this week!!!We have opening in North Austin, Central Austin, W...
Legal Jobs — 04-25-2018
Looking for catering secretary with good speaking skills to be making calls to wedding planners ballrooms 15th birthdays Etc. please call David at 972-589-5605 if interested will pay 10% of contract ...
$3 — Service — 04-25-2018
We install your fences and repair your old fence and gates wood and chain link fence...
Free Stuff — 04-25-2018
Free American bull terrier white very sweet good for kids and good with cats, moving and can't take her and won't take to shelter please call 4096837609 tammy ...
Free Stuff — 04-25-2018
Male potbelly pig free to good hm moving and can't take him 4096837609 tammy...
Garage and Moving Sale — 04-24-2018
Furniture and 60 years of items. Come by 1411 East Century and shop for some good deals. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 8:30 til whenever. Plan on staying a while. Call 817-721-2839 if you have questi...
$50 — Professional Services — 04-24-2018
For anyone who needs to relax and be pampered come see us at Angels. We are up and waiting to relax all your stress away....
Arts — 04-24-2018
I am selling tumblers they could be any NFL basketball soccer baseball or any logo or any kids team or adults teams prices$25 and up depending on the amount that we need a deposit without a deposit I ...
Roomate Wanted — 04-24-2018
Room mate wanted 2 bed 2 bath big back porch please call or text me at 7372180376 I'm 32 and looking for a good roommate rent is spplit down the middle at 700 each I can show it anytime as long as .n...
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