Classifieds - Chicago

Dining room table, six chairs, buffet and mirror offer Home and Furnitures

Dining room table, six chairs, buffet and mirror

Home and Furnitures

Wood pedestal table, four chairs, two captains chairs. Buffet with wine rack and full mirror...

Double oven, 2 years old, stainless steel offer Appliances

Double oven, 2 years old, stainless steel


Build in 30” stainless steel self-cleaning double oven. 2 years old, model Kenmore....

Crib offer Home and Furnitures


Home and Furnitures

Full cribBlanketsMattress includedLighting carosul with animals...

Open Trailer for sale offer Lawn and Garden

Open Trailer for sale

Lawn and Garden

12000 rated trailer in good condition deck 14' x 7' newer tire (4) trailer tows nice...

Single mattress and box springs for sale offer Home and Furnitures

Single mattress and box springs for sale

Home and Furnitures

Single mattress and box springs in goog condition 15”h-37”wide-6’-1” long both for sale for ‘$100.00 or bogie quick sale...

China dishes offer Home and Furnitures

China dishes

$250Home and Furnitures

Set of 12 nice china with 5 dishes each set. ...

China dishes offer Home and Furnitures

China dishes

$250Home and Furnitures

Set of 12 nice china with 5 dishes each set. ...

Fender electric  guitar  offer Musical Instrument

Fender electric guitar

Musical Instrument

I have a beautiful 96 Fender Stratocaster ,, It is a 1996 MIM Strat... Owned by elderly man and very well taken care ,,,looks like New ,,,,,,,,,,$450 It is A black Strat with a...

toyota avalon 2002 offer Car

toyota avalon 2002


i want to sell my toyota avalon 2002 good condition no dents smooth 135k miles till now servicing was always on time i am asking 2500$...

tropical fish  offer Garage and Moving Sale

tropical fish

Garage and Moving Sale

tropical fish swap ,buy tropical fish ,plants,tanks,filters from breeders,admission only $3.00 per person,or family only $5.00 ...

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