2013 toyota prius
$10500 — Car — 04-20-2018
2013 prius, 79k miles, great shape, battery& smog warranty transferrable...
$10500 — Car — 04-20-2018
2013 prius, 79k miles, great shape, battery& smog warranty transferrable...
Lawn and Garden — 04-20-2018
Gas ClubCar electric dump bed ranch truck $3500.00 OBO 7605947971...
For Rent — 04-20-2018
It's a little early yet. But I am looking for 1 to 2 bdrm. apt. in auburn or grass valley for approximately $900.00 a month, which accepts section 8. I am looking to move in October 1st and I can be r...
Auto Services — 04-19-2018
Private ride to Coachella tonight or tomorrow in spacious luxury van....
Items For Sale — 04-19-2018
Garage sale on Saturday April 21st starting at 6:30am. Furniture, clothes, household things etc. ...
Motorcycle — 04-19-2018
This bike is absolutely gorgeous with tons of extras... I don’t want to sell it but have to... with only 12722 miles on it, you can enjoy this bike for years to come! Zero mechanical issues. Zero co...
House For Rent — 04-19-2018
One bedroom cottage fully furnished, Kitchen, living room, one bedroom with large closet, bath with W/D. 750 sq ft.On back half of an acre. Very private. Own deck overlooking garden. Quiet. Close ...
Computers and Electronics — 04-19-2018
Desk is oak. Size is 24 1/2" Wide x 48" Long x 30" tall. Price is: $100 CASH ONLY. Please call:EVENINGS: 408-257-5328. We are in Cupertino area....
Job Wanted — 04-19-2018
I am a male 64 years of age looking to clean rooms or sweep mop floors vacuum do windows strip and wax floors clean bathrooms stock bathrooms dump trash cans dust furniture and very dependable and met...
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