Dave & Danny Construction
Professional Services — 05-03-2018
Carpentry, plumbing, landscaping, small additions...
Professional Services — 05-03-2018
Carpentry, plumbing, landscaping, small additions...
Appliances — 05-03-2018
GE WASHER FOR 150.00 AND GE DRYER FOR 140.00 great conditoncall Tina 6264828705...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-03-2018
Multi-Family Yard Sale Saturday May 5th from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm. Twin Palms mobile home park, Los Feliz Dr entrance. ...
Financial Services — 05-03-2018
Real Estate Loans Fast FundingsStated incomeI also offer Fha with no money down..Calfha loans...
$150 — Items For Sale — 05-03-2018
Chevy ? GMC Truck, VAN, SUV 16"x 6.5" 8 lug chrome oem wheels in great condition. Four rims only no caps $150.00...
Garage and Moving Sale — 05-03-2018
Two family member yard sale.Saturday, May 5thElliptical workout cross trainer, pin pong table, large birdcage(new in the box), house hold items, cookbooks, tent sleeping bag, Christmas items, fish tan...
Community — 05-03-2018
I am severly disabled with a disease I was born with called:"OSTEOARTHRITIS" in both my hips it doesn't matter if I sit, stand, lay down or walk my bones chip and grind their deteriating each day and ...
Events — 05-03-2018
HUGE YARD SALE MAY SATURDAY 12, SUNDAY 13, (PLEASE) Parking Only on SIDE ROAD. Beauty Products, Clothes, Furniture Bedroom Set, Coffee table, Children Books, Ect. ...
Construction Jobs — 05-02-2018
Nesecito muchachos con esxperiencia en remodelar APARTAMENTOS que sepan poner tile, piso laminado , electricidad, Plomeria , emplaste y pintura interesados comunicarse con Enrique al (323)376-4920...
Truck — 05-02-2018
Front clip, some motor parts, frame is good, 2 doors, cab, first come first serve, must go...
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