Classifieds - California

Dining table offer Free Stuff

Dining table

Free Stuff

Wife 2 kids and myself are in need of a small dining table...

2013 Big Horn 2013 5th Wheel offer RV

2013 Big Horn 2013 5th Wheel


39.7 ft, 3 slide-outs, king size bed, double wide refrigerator, fire place, great condition. Must see to appreciate!...

How to be a first time seller offer Items For Sale

How to be a first time seller

Items For Sale

My family would like information on how to use Craigslist to sell future items. How to set up bids safely....

Taylor Swift ticket for May11, 2018 at Levi’s Stadium  offer Tickets

Taylor Swift ticket for May11, 2018 at Levi’s Stadium


Taylor Swift concert on Friday, May 11, 2018 At Levi’s Stadium 1 ticket Section C242 Row 1 Seat 9 Price $120...

spacious 2200 sq, 4 bedroom, 2.5 baths offer House For Rent

spacious 2200 sq, 4 bedroom, 2.5 baths

$2300House For Rent

Spacious 2 story house, 2.5 baths, garage inside, washer/dryer included, located in the heart of Santa Clarita between Bouquet Canyon and Golden valley Road, pets are Ok. First and last month rent, 1 ...

room-mate wanted offer Roomate Wanted

room-mate wanted

$700Roomate Wanted

Windsor apartment. Handi-cap friendly. downstairs room with private bath. semi furnished all you need is your own bedroom furniture. Non smoking units. This is a Luther Burbank low income property. I ...

A single family home ( 3 bed, 2 bath) occupied by one gentleman. He needs another gentleman, preferably engineer to shar offer Roomate Wanted

A single family home ( 3 bed, 2 bath) occupied by one gentleman. He needs another gentleman, preferably engineer to shar

$1600Roomate Wanted

Available 1st of June 2018 for one year's lease. It is a single family beautiful home located at 1634 Placer Circle, Livermore, CA 94551. One young Engineer, a white American, is already staying here....

OTR CDL CLASS A DRIVERS!!! offer Driving Jobs


Driving Jobs

Have you been mistreated by your employer in the past? Do you not get to go home as often as you'd like? Not getting enough miles? Look no further! Greenline Express , INC is now hiring over the r...

Dewalt 20V XR 6ah battery  2 pack offer Tools

Dewalt 20V XR 6ah battery 2 pack


I have 6 dewalt 20v XR 6ah (2) packs total of 12 Batteries 1 (2) pack $90 each 2 for $150...

chicken eggs offer Lawn and Garden

chicken eggs

$3Lawn and Garden

chicken eggs 4-sale 3.00 a doz 4.00 18 pak...

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