Housekeeper $60 minimum
Events — 07-18-2018
Extremely motivated housekeeper $60 minimum for Sacramento and surrounding towns please call 916-254-7195 can start today...
Events — 07-18-2018
Extremely motivated housekeeper $60 minimum for Sacramento and surrounding towns please call 916-254-7195 can start today...
Auto Services — 07-18-2018
You need a ride cal me anytime I'll take you anywhere in or out of town from Fresno to any where casino 15round trip 25 table mountain 20to Chukchansi Casino be 35roundtrip...
Home and Furnitures — 07-17-2018
Beautiful large whitewashed desk/armoire. Never used and in 2 boxes for assembly. Bought new for $597.00 at Office Depot. Designed by Christopher Lovell. Text 619-348-2785 to pick up for free....
Home and Furnitures — 07-17-2018
Brand: Star - Projection screen wall mount around 60 x 48Wonderful condition zero rips or tears. You could use it for summer movies fun in back yard. Thanks Erica...
Home and Furnitures — 07-17-2018
Very nice Ethan Allen Computer cabinet with desk and lots of storage-- lovely wood in good condition. ...
Home and Furnitures — 07-17-2018
Set of couches (2) Table sits 8 but converts to 6..... Set of 3 tables for living room and 2 lamps. Take all for $ 500 In the city of Hemet. I can send you pictures619-622-9388...
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