This tercel is in excellent condition the motor needs to be rebuilt or replaced. Auto trans. All original silver exterior black,white and gray interior was my mothers car well maintained and hardly ev...
October 27, Sat. from 8am to 2pm....
bedroom for rent $700 monthly fully furnished , small refrigator. Share bathroom-share washer and dryer. $100 deposit. Garage is full of exercize eguipment. Comcast tv and internet included. ...
Auto Services —
We fix Dents/ Chips/ Scratchs/ Ding/ Crease/ Bumpers dings/ Bumper cracks/ Headlights restoration, and small damage repair Door dings take about 30 minutes, Larger more complex dents can take 1-4 hour...
1996 spencers gifts life size crypt keeper, animated, with original tape 3 ft tall. cheri 909-809-9795...
25th anniversary mac play still in plastic unopened, Star Trek the next generation interactive tech manual U.S.S.Enterprise NCC-1701-D virtual tour still in plastic, Star Trek Pinball action arcade st...
Everything must go !
Bedrooms furnitures tv and lots more !
Only Saturday and Sunday 20&21 from 10amto 5pm
Absolutely no early birds
25717 Simpson pl
Calabasas ca 91302...
Holsters, accessories, household, sporting goods, furniture, books, costumes and props. Saturday, October 20th, from 9:00am to 1:00pm....
Looking for American Bald Eagle Collectors...
Rack-mount, 2-channel professional quality compressor for recording or live sound. Purchased new a couple of years ago. Never used. Original packaging. $125 firm. (PS, the Marshall in the backgroun...